We're not shocked by the idea of cast fetishists getting off on girls wrapped in plaster, but it is a little surprising to see the lengths some people will go to for a bit of fun. Broken bones are never a treat, but wrapping yourself in a full body cast just for the heck it (as far as we can tell, the girls featured here are not actually injured) seems like a lot of work. Imagine the itchiness! Still, if restrictive bracing is your thing, it's hard to beat a good hard cast and Gips Dreams has plenty of girls who are eager to indulge. There's a lot of samples in the free preview galleries, but even if you do decide to become a member, it has to be cheaper than a hospital visit. If you can get your HMO to cover it, even better.
· Gips Dreams (gipsdreams.com via, Otomano)
Previously: Sexy (Sprained) Ankles, Fetish/Fashion by Tani Atsushi, O.R.R. Belgium: Medical Fetish Video, Meet Encarna Conde, Romain Slocombe: Japan Medical Fetish, Cast Fetish, Errall Amputee Fantasy Art, Gimpix, Recreational Bracing, Sexy Wheelchair Girls, Disabled Nudes Calendar