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Yet Another Britney Spears Upskirt


Yet Another Britney Spears Upskirt

We were going to submit this latest example of how hanging out with Paris Hilton is rubbing off on Britney Spears to the usual sort of forensic analysis we pride ourselves on here at Fleshbot to determine whether it's a Photoshop job or not ... until we realized that even if you look really, really close, you can't see a goddamn thing; there's not even the barest hint of a peach cleft or landing strip to indicate that you are, in fact, looking at actual female pudenda and not the glossy, rounded surface of a life size Barbie doll crotch. So unless you want to hate yourself for feeling more like a celebrity upskirt-obsessed perv than you already do—and with all due respect to our eminent blogging colleagues who filled our inbox with the pictures in question—we advise you don't even bother clicking on the links below. Trust us: self-loathing isn't the best way to start the week. (And yes, it's almost two years to the day that we posted this. Maybe it's a seasonal thing?)

· Britney Spears Upskirt: spotted @ Egotastic, Hollywood Tuna, Asredas, Taxi Driver, et al.

· See also: "Britney and Paris Slutsgiving" (yeeeah.com) and "Britney Spears Lets Paris Hilton Cop a Feel" (egotastic.com)

Previously: Britney Spears Upskirt

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