Pornographic jet set maven Sam Sugar of SugarBank announced the relaunch of this week; what may be one of the most coveted domain names on the interweb now has a sleek new design to showcase its hand-picked selection of yummy free preview galleries and—true to its title (the "T" doesn't stand for "thumbnail" anymore, don't you know)—a new voting scheme where visitors can make sure that the cream truly does rise to the top. Yes, we're seeing a lot of this sort of thing lately, but as far as we're concerned you can never have too much advice when it comes to navigating your way through the online skin jungle—when it comes to finding gems like the two lovelies in this Met Art gallery here, we can use all the help we can get.
· TGP: Team Gallery Post (Beta) (
Previously: Splutr: More Social Porn,, MoSexIndex, Blosker: Social Smut, AutoGetSublime, RSS XXX