We've featured plenty of of blogs written by photographers offering a look at what goes on behind the camera, but those by their models describing what happens in front of it are a little harder to come by. So we're glad to have met Iris Dassault, a nude model for the more artistic set: she blogs about her passion for modeling and what it's like to work for some of these photographers (including the recently mentioned Johnny Flamethrower, which is how we found her.) She also shares quite a few of her best photos, so we can still do a bit of the ogling we like so much. A great personality isn't everything, you know.
· Iris Dassault Blog (irisdassault.blogspot.com)
· Model: Iris (onemodelplace.com)
· Thumbnail by Jim Young (studio310.com)
Previously: Sexy Self-Portraits by Luminosity, Fetish Photos by Johnny Flamethrower, Fleshbot Star Search: Chelsea, Meet Beccy, Meet Trixxylicious, Meet Jessica Sky