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Sienna Miller’s “Factory Girl” Sex


Sienna Miller's "Factory Girl" Sex

You may know Sienna Miller as that "occasionally naked model/Jude Law's crazy girlfriend," but she's out to prove that she's actually a "Serious Dramatic Actress." To prove it, she took on the role of doomed Andy Warhol muse Edie Sedgwick, in the film "Factory Girl," an Oscar-bait movie that sounds like it won't be catching any golden statues this spring. Fortunately, the fine folks at Egotastic bring you the only part of the flick you need concern yourself with: the nude scenes! A little softcore action never hurts when it comes time for Best Actress nominations ... heck, it could actually help your chances. We're not sure if Sienna's acting will help her, but these scenes aren't so bad for your standard R-rated fare these days, plus there's the added bonus of watching Sienna grind on Darth Vader. Anyway you look at it, we just saved you eight bucks.

· "I am - Sienna Miller Naked in Factory Girl of the Day" (drunkenstepfather.com)

· "These Sienna Miller Nude Sex Scenes Deserve an Oscar" (egotastic.com)

· Related: Bob Dylan Understandably Pissed About Hayden Christensen's Version Of Himself In 'Factory Girl' (Defamer)

Previously: Wet Spots: Sienna Miller Reminds Us Why She's Famous, Celebrity NippleWatch

: Sienna Miller, Sienna Miller in Vanity Fair

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