· Nuts Magazine unveils the "Hottest New Breasts of 2007," whatever that means. They're only new to you if you've fallen behind on your Best of Babelogs reading over the past six months. (latenightpictures.blogspot.com)
· Is the HD-DVD vs. Blue-Ray debate really about censorship, and not the quality of the competing technologies? Look, all we want to know is when can we see the hi-res boobies? (Gizmodo + highdefdigest.com)
· Ivanka Trump celebrates her Golden Globes. Does her father have anything to do with this latest high rise development? (savemanny.blogspot.com)
· Forget Spanktrovision. The new wave of hotel room entertainment is live sex shows broadcast right to your TV. How will we ever get any sleep? (nytimes.com)
· Chinese officials are getting more complaints about online crime and fewer complaints about online "porns." Which can only mean that the good stuff is finally getting through. (people.com.cn)
· Amsterdam is reportedly putting up a statue honoring the world's prostitutes. You can look all you want, but if you want to touch it, it's going to cost you. (breitbart.com)
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Previously: Morning Wood Archives/Wet Spots Archives