Here's a lesson in P.R. from adult industry famewhore publicist Kevin Blatt. He announced this week that he was launching a new reality show called "Virgin Territory," in which 10 male virgins would compete, with the winner to be deflowered by a "famous female celebrity." There are a few details left to be ironed out, though ... like that fact that he doesn't actually have a female celebrity who has agreed to play along or a network that's agreed to broadcast the show. But that didn't stop dozens of news outlets from reporting the tale. Why? Because the press release mentioned the two magic names that always bring the media running: Paris Hilton and Jenna Jameson. Both have been "contacted" about participating in this silly stunt, and while we find it hard to believe that even these two notorious self-promoters would ever consider signing on most of the headlines included their names as if it were a done deal. (With a lawsuit-avoiding question mark, of course.) Yes, even we're mentioning it now, but mostly to express our annoyance at how often these tricks result in so many non-stories flooding our airwaves. But hey, if you're a virgin willing to debase yourself for the chance to get lucky, you might as well send in your photo. It's still cheaper than a full-service massage parlor.
· "Paris and Jenna to Show Virgins the Ropes?" (
· Kevin Blatt Explores Virgin Territory (
· Virgin Territory (
Previously: Morning Wood: Starring George Clooney as "Assistant Fleshbot Editor"