· We don't like to make statements like this often, but ... Best. Bagel Ad. Ever. We'll take a dozen with cream cheese. (adweek.blogs.com)
· We don't like to make statements like this either, but ... we're idiots: that German brothel unemployment story from this morning is total bullshit (not to metion over two years old). We're totally blaming Nerve. (snopes.com - thanks SW)
· Adobe will soon offer tools that can tell you if a picture has been manipulated by Photoshop. We don't need it because we know that photo we have of Natalie Portman, Jessica Alba and Linda Hunt in a lesbian threeway is 100% legit. (xbiz.com)
· Two 19-year-old strippers team up to rob a bank? Sounds like a horrible Hollywood movie. Or a really awesome adult one. (cnn.com)
· Computer Tip of Day: Microsoft's security features are not guaranteed to stop the FBI from finding your secret illegal porn stash—but Steve Jobs would have totally had your back. (darkreading.com)
· We've secretly replaced the romance novels at Borders Books with hardcore pornography. Let's see if customers can tell the difference. (thetimes-tribune.com)
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Previously: Morning Wood Archives/Wet Spots Archives