While digging through the video porn sites every day, we come across a lot of older stuff that reminds us of our youth. You know, like earlier this decade. Although these scenes have been around a while, we usually haven't seen them in years and they take us back to our early days of internet smut gathering. We occasionally like to resurrect them for you here, partly out of nostalgia and partly because we're still in mourning over the Great Hard Drive Crash of '03. Like this clip of those two Romanian gymnasts who had a nice side career performing their routines in the nude for Japanese videos. Remember them? Ah ... the web was so innocent way back then. Not at all cynical and jaded like we are now. Thank you, Haporn, for occasionally allowing us to relive those times and for being the kind of place that collects shirtless uneven parallel bar routines. Maybe the present really isn't so bad after all.
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· Nude Gymnastics (haporn.com)
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Previously: Flesh Flicks Archives, Naked Gymnasts