Sorry for the overly legalistic post, but you're probably seeing headlines all over the web today like, "Porn Law Declared Unconstitutional" and "Judge Blocks Online Porn Law" and we thought you might like a little clarification. (Plus, it's a slow sex news week otherwise.) The law they're referring to is the (in)famous Child Online Protection Act, which was passed in 1998 and made it a crime for any website to allow access to material deemed "harmful to minors," without requiring some sort of proof that the viewer was at least 17 years old. Because of legal challenges that law has never been enforced, but if it were, this site and pretty much everyone we link to would be put behind a wall that you could only break through with a valid credit card. Or we'd have to do our business from some secret offshore island (which doesn't sound so bad, actually.) Anyway, despite the lofty goal of protecting our childrens, this is the second time COPA has been declared unconstitutional and barring one final (and unlikely) reversal by the Supreme Court, today's ruling may finally put an end to this nearly decade-long affair. Now that we've got that straightened out and our legality is established once again ... FREE BOOBIES!!! Enjoy.
· 1998 pornography law kicked to the curb once again (
· Net porn ban faces another legal setback (
· U.S. judge blocks 1998 online porn law (
· Thumbnail: Noted legal expert Gina Lynn; see more search results for " lawyer", "law" and "judge" (via