· Is Jenna Jameson laying low because of a botched vaginoplasty? We had no idea she was still a work in progress, and besides—isn't that like fucking with the Sistine Chapel or something? (nydailynews.com, second item)
· Britain's top football and show business stars are "terrified" by that bad girl Danielle Lloyd will tell their secrets in her autobiography. We're terrified that 23-year-olds can publish autobiographies. (dailystar.co.uk)
· Hard to believe that Christians would be upset by a nude Jesus statue made out of chocolate. We wonder if it can walk on a sea of peanut butter? (nydailynews.com, see also Gawker)
· A first-grader got suspended after accessing a naughty Paris Hilton cartoon on the school's computers. Later, the seven-year-old admitted that he even thinks she's overexposed. (centredaily.com)
· Just another reminder: if you have naked photos of yourself anywhere on your computer, somehow, someway, your political rivals will embarrass you with them. It's almost like the universe demands it. (stltoday.com)
· Here's a musical ode to a true living legend: Heather from I Deep Throat. This is what YouTube was made for. (YouTube)
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Previously: Morning Wood Archives/Wet Spots Archives