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Happy Belated Cosmic Orgasm Day!


We're a little bummed that no one reminded us about Cosmic Orgasm Day (not to be confused with the Global Orgasm For Peace) last week, though given the vagaries of the translated press release we just came across we're not sure we would've understood some of the specifics of what it was all about anyway: "I Believe that would be very interesting to see that happens if is negotiated globally that a concrete day al year exist a popular tradition by which that day everyone fuck. You imagine you that a tradition exists of each 23 of April at 12 o'clock at night absolutely everyone has an erotic couple that has sought previously although alone be for that night. And to that hour everyone practices the sex, of the same form that in short of year the grapes are eaten." Even though we feel the earth move every day here at Fleshbot (we really have to get those wheels on our office chairs tightened up a bit), we'll be marking our calendars for next year—and will continue to do our best to make sure that everyone gets enough practice material for the big day in the meantime.

· Dia Internacional del Orgasmo Cosmico: "Se acerca el día ..." (magicomora.blogspot.com, via Unscathed Corpse + Dadanoias)
· Video by Sergio Mora (sergiomora.com)

Previously: Global Orgasm For Peace, Happy Masturbation Month!, Super Sunday Masturbate for Peace