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“Rad Girls”: Fart Porn For The Masses



While we have nothing but respect for the editorial opinions expressed by our Gawker siblings, we have to tale exception with their calling FUSE's new "Rad Girls" ("Like Jackass, but with smokin' hot chicks!") the worst television show ever. By way of evidence, our colleague Emily describes one of the skteches that ran earlier this week: "On last night's episode, one of the girls ate a lot of cabbage ... oh my God ... and then she went out on the street and saw whether people would allow her to fart directly into their mouths. They did." It might not be to everyone's, er, taste—but somewhere, someone is glad they don't have to deal with defunct Brazilian websites, Japanese translation issues, or mail order headaches in order to get their fart fetish fix. It's all right there on basic cable! (OK, so maybe it is the worst TV show ever. Still, we can't help but be comforted by the fact that at least some pervs out there are going to bed with smiles on their faces this week.)

· "FUSE's 'Rad Girls': Horsewomen Of Apocalypse" (Gawker)
· Rad Girls (fuse.tv)

Previously: The Lost World of Fart Porn, Fetish Videos by Chloe Creations: What's Your Pleasure?, Gassy Gals