We had a slight crisis of confidence when we kept running across this massive archive of shampoo advertisements on various sex blogs this week: was it simply a wholesome collection of media ephemera put together by folks with an historical interest in bright-n-bouncy hair and soapy lathering techniques, or have we been doing this job for so long that we can find something filthy in everything, no matter how innocent it seems on the surface? Then we realized that (1) it wouldn't be the first time we saw a fetish site devoted to women's hair or personal hygiene products; (2) women generally shampoo their hair in the shower, and where there are showers there are usually plenty of naked backs and shoulders, and (3) we're confident enough after all to decide that something has fetishistic appeal if we say it does. Crisis averted!
· ShampooAds.com - The Ultimate Collection of Shampoo Advertisements (shampooads.com, via Unscathed Corpse et al.)
Previously: Breaking: Skin Shamelessly Used To Sell Skin Care Products, The Pants Whisperer: Penis-Based Marketing, Hands Up For Hairy Armpits!, Abby Winters' Hairy Girls, Sexy Ads of the World, Digital Hair Extensions, Toothbrush Fetish: Paste Pumpers