A new study conducted by researchers at the University of Montreal reveals that both men and women report that about 8 percent of their dreams are about sex—a number that personal experience leads us to believe is drastically low. However, it also found that women report having way more sexy dreams than they did 40 years ago, so women are either subconsciously hornier than they used to be or they have just gotten better at filling out surveys. Much more interesting to us, however, is who you are dreaming about when these late-night liaisons occur. "Men are often more visually focused in terms of fantasy, and women are more relationship-focused," which means guys want threeways with exotic supermodels and woman want a supportive man with a sound immigration policy. Obviously, no scientific instrument is more advanced then our automated reader polls, so why don't you weigh in with your choices ... and please elaborate in the comments. Who revs you up during your REM cycle? Inquiring minds want to know.
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· Sexy Dreams Are No Rarity (Forbes.com)
· See also: The Men -- And Manboobs -- Of Our Dreams (Jezebel)
Previously: Real Vs. Fake: The Globe(s) Divided, Brett Favre Look-alike Gives Us 100%, Selfkiss: Hot You On You Action, E.T.'s Lesbian-Like Adventure, Obama Girl Seeks Hot Electoral Action