As longtime investigators of online smut, it should come as no surprise that nothing shocks us anymore. Teddy bear rape? Been there. Erotic Star Wars slash fiction? Yawn. Tentacles? Puhhh-lease. The only real surprise is when someone dreams up a porn idea that someone else hasn't already cashed in on.
This reality of the interwebs was best illustrated by nerdy online comic xkcd, which dubbed it Rule 34: "If you can imagine it, there is porn of it." Of course, it wasn't enough to make a joke about it, the author had to prove this maxim by buying and populating it with fan submitted images of naked chicks (and a few dudes) playing electric guitar in the shower. It brings to mind the second most popular question we get here, which is, "Are there really people who get turned on by this stuff?" We'll call our answer Rule 34A: If it's on the internet, uh ... yeah, probably.