Though one now works in sales and the other's a mom, we can still learn something from retired pornstresses Cytherea and Tiana Lynn. In this scene from the compilation "I Love Tiana," I was reminded of the spirit of teamwork that united these two women, despite the fact that Cytherea's squirting overshadowed (wait, how do you say "overshadowed" but with water?) that of Tiana. Join us after the gap to see their teamwork in action.
Cytherea seeks --and receives--Tiana's supporting hand as the former is being fucked at* by Mark Ashley.
Tiana holds Cytherea's butt for Ashley. Me? I went to the office down the hall for some Xerox paper? They slammed the door in my face.
Tiana, ever helpful, guides Ashley's parts into those of Cytherea (though by this time Cytherea had had landing lights installed).
Finally, though she later asked Cytherea for the use of her hair in drying it off, Tiana here shows us that we all must squirt alone.
*Yes, I meant to say that. It indicates a tryst that doesn't appear to be of mutual benefit.
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