"One town's very like another when your head's down over your pieces, Brother." There was no way we were going to reference Murray Head, however, when we found out that the star of "Bangkok Suckee Fuckee #5" was named Mam. Don't get us wrong; Porn Valley is great. But adult material shot in other countries is like eating at your favorite stateside chain restaurant overseas; it's the little differences.
As we've seen in Brazil, the traveling pornographer can take things easy. He can soak up the culture. But it would be impolite to not soak back. Thus does a man named Kinkade conduct his affairs as Our Man in Pattaya.
You might say the entire "Bangkok Suckee Fuckee" series is an example of an uncomfortable porn stereotype. I would have, too, until I traveled to Bangkok and was asked at the airport if I wanted a suckee fuckee. By a judge.
"Who am I to question community standards?" I thought.
· Third World Media (thirdworldxxx.com)
· Buy "Bangkok Suckee Fuckee 5" (tlavideo.com)