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Elizabeth Hurley Dancing On The Beach In A Bikini Is A Dream


Real? Dream? Elizabeth Hurley In a Bikini? Yes

You ever have one of those moments when you're not sure if you're dreaming or you're awake? I'm kind of having one of those moments right now because typically when I see Elizabeth Hurley dancing on a beach in a bikini I'm asleep and having one of my all time favorite dreams. Yet, I think I'm awake and I'm seeing Elizabeth Hurley in a bikini dancing on a beach.

But it's not that surprising to find oneself questioning reality when looking at Elizabeth Hurley in a bikini. It can be hard to believe that there is someone as beautiful as Elizabeth Hurley in this universe. Throw in the fact she loves to wear a bikini and well, that can cause someone to question life itself. So, I could be dreaming. This Instagram post could not be real. I don't know, I can't tell you. All I know is seeing Elizabeth Hurley in a bikini dancing is one of the greatest things any of could see in real life or dream about. So, soak it up, my friends. Enjoy every single second of it because you might open your eyes and Elizabeth Hurley and her bikini could be gone... Or not.

Is it real? Is it a dream? Is it Elizabeth Hurley in a bikini on Instagram? These are questions that perhaps we weren't meant to answer, only to ponder while staring at Elizabeth Hurley dancing in a bikini on Instagram.

via Elizabeth Hurley on Instagram

For more nude pics and videos of Elizabeth Hurley on Instagram, head over to Mr. Skin.

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