It Must Be Hard Work For Britney To Be This Sexy All The Time
Honestly, I don't know if I'm asking a question or stating a fact. Can Britney Spears not be sexy? Like can she do something in real life or on stage and have it not be completely and utterly sexy? I'm serious I don't believe it's possible for Britney to not be so damn sexy.
And yes, I can hear you out there who are screaming about some moments in Britney Spears' past that aren't so flattering, but I'm not talking about then. I'm talking about right now! I'm talking about these two Instagram videos. Hell, I'm talking about Britney Spears entire Instagram account. It's wall to wall sexiness, on stage, out and about, first thing in the morning, last thing at night, no matter when or where, Britney Spears is bringing the sexy and then later putting it on Instagram. I'm not quite sure how she does it. One would think it would exhausting being that sexy, all the damn time, but Britney finds a way to make it work. Seriously, I'm worn out from just watching these videos and I could bring the sexy if someone gave it to me in a jello mold.
Britney Spears is one of a kind and that's really putting it lightly. We love for being so damn sexy so damn much, but we should also really appreciate the amount of effort it takes to be Britney Spears sexy all the time.
via Britney Spears on Instagram
For more sexy pics and videos of Britney Spears, head over to Mr. Skin.