How Sexy!
Over at the chick lifestyle site Refinery 29, writer Alix Tunell takes about her beauty routine. She lives alone and she partakes of the current trend towards these insane-looking Korean Sheet masks. You apply the mask to your freshly-cleansed face and the paper or cloth mask has all kinds of skin care stuff that is good for you soaked into it, so you let this thing do its magic while it makes you look like some kind of furry or a serial killer. These are popular in Korea and have made their way to the United States where women are buying lots of them.
Tunell talks about using them on her "vagina" while she is sitting in front of the TV. (She insists on saying that the mask is on her vagina rather than her labia, for whatever reason. She is not jamming the masks up her hooha so it is on her vulva. Just saying.)
She uses it as a post-shaving, skin calming thing and that does not sound like the worst idea ever. If you are using really high-quality shaving cream or gel and a newer/sharp shaving implement, you should be less likely to have ingrown hair trouble. I have multiple porn star friends who swear by this stuff but yeah, having some naked downtime with a mask on my lady bits, a glass of Scotch, and Netflix on the TV sounds like a fabulous night.