This Mystery Can't Remain Unsolved
We often ponder the great mysteries of life, like why are we here? what is our purpose in life? and what type of cheese makes the best grilled cheese? But we should all ask ourselves another: Can we see Jennifer Lawrence’s nipples in this picture?
Now, we shouldn’t get all wrapped up in trying to answer this oh so important question without acknowledge how beautiful Jennifer Lawrence looks in each and every one of these pictures. Sure, not all of them are possible-Jennifer-Lawrence nipple pictures, but still, each of them is beautiful. Jennifer Lawrence is a true beauty—there is no argument there—but are we getting to see some JLaw nip? I have examined the picture repeatedly. I have zoomed in, I have zoomed out, I have darkened the picture, I have lightened the picture, I have looked from one angle, and I have looked from a different angle, and I have to say . . . I have no idea. I think I see a little bit of nipple, but I can’t really tell. I wish my office had some kind of high powered NASA-grade telescope or something that would allow me to zoom in the smallest detail and it see it clear as the night sky.
This one is a real head-scratcher, guys and gals. I wish I was able to give everyone (myself included) a yes or no answer on whether or not we can see Jennifer Lawrence’s nipples, but sadly, I can’t do that. But I can say she’s beautiful and is rocking some pretty sweet cleavage and that is nothing to shake a stick at.
For more sexy pics and videos of Jennifer Lawrence, head over to Mr. Skin.