Can't Speak to Form, but Ariel Winter Looks Great From Here
You know what, I’m not going to come with anything cute or clever for this one, guys. I think this Instagram video pretty much speaks for itself. It's Ariel Winter in the gym doing squats, and that is all you really need to know.
The only thing I will say is that I normally can’t stand it when someone posts pictures or videos of themselves at the gym. It irks me because I know for a fact that most people who post gym pictures and videos are only fooling themselves. The only time they did any real work was when they were poising for the picture. Or you have the other side, where it’s someone posting their workout videos, their pre-made meals, and stupid quotes about fitness. But not this time! Ariel Winter is actually at the gym for specific reason. We can all totally see that Ariel Winter is working hard—she’s not pretending. She’s doing squats like a champ. I can’t speak much to her form, but from where I sit it looks like the squats are working great. And she’s totally not rubbing in our faces that she so much healthier than all of us. Nope, she’s just working hard and showing us the hard work.
So the next time you want to post a pic or a video from the gym, just don’t. Instead, watch Ariel Winter doing squats and call it a day.