This is the VS angel crew singing the "12 Days of Christmas"
As you'll notice, they're all very beautiful and put together and I want all of that lingerie like, yesterday, but you may also notice that none of them are singers. Even remotely. It's sort of like that moment when everyone in the car is singing at the top of their lungs and you turn the music off right in the middle of the chorus. (No? Just me?) But you know what? I like it. It makes them seem human, which is hard to believe almost any other time of the year, such as during the Victoria's Secret Fashion Show or when you're standing next to a life-size cut out at a VS store. Anyways. It's only right, as no one else who sings this song looks like that with the exception of Christina Aguilera. You get the idea: The models look absolutely incredible, and they're giving legitimately great holiday shopping advice. I would way, way rather get a lacy bra for Christmas than a partridge. Those things are annoying AF.