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A Cheryl Cole Calendar Is A Great Gift You Might Want To Keep For Yourself


A Sexy Cheryl Cole Is The Gift That Keeps On Giving

They say the best gift you can give is a gift that keeps on giving. I can’t think of any better gift that keeps on giving than a calendar featuring the incredibly sexy Cheryl Cole. Talk about a gift that will keep you smiling all year round.  

Of course, I’m not going to give away every single sexy image from the Cheryl Cole calendar, but a few highlights are in order. You know, a little something to help you make up your mind about whether or not you really want to give someone the gift of a cleavage baring Cheryl Cole or keep it all for yourself. Look, I would completely understand if you were on your way to a holiday party with friends or family, the gift wrapped Cheryl Cole calendar sitting in your backseat, and then all of sudden you find yourself in a drug store buying some party nuts and a plastic toy that will break right after you take it out of the package to give to everyone instead. Hey, great gifts keep on giving and sometimes you have to give yourself a little gift, so why not something that as awesome as Cheryl Cole in her bra.  

The holidays can be a stressful time, especially when it comes to buying gifts. The best to thing to do is to make sure you get something you know will make everyone happy... or say screw everybody and get a Cheryl Cole calendar for yourself.

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