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Kate Hudson’s Outfit Will Give You Dreams of Penny Lane


We All Knew Penny Lane Would Grow Up to Be Sexy

I’m going to tell you why these are probably the sexiest pictures of Kate Hudson any of us have seen all year. The reason is simple: It’s because this red, cleavage-bearing, one-piece outfit makes us think this is what grown up Penny Lane looks like.  

Look, we all fell madly in love with Kate Hudson as Penny Lane from the movie Almost Famous. If you haven’t watched that movie, then you need to stop reading this right now, move away from your computer and/or mobile device, go out and buy Almost Famous, watch it, and then come back to this article. I’m serious, I’ll wait. I have time.  

Great, now that anyone who hasn’t watched Almost Famous has, tell me these awesome photos of Kate Hudson and her cleavage don’t fill your head with thoughts of grown up Penny Lane, out and about being sexier than ever. I know, right? You can’t stop thinking that, I’m right there with you. I can’t stop thinking it and I don’t want to stop thinking it. This is grown up and truly sexy Penny Lane.  

I know that there won’t be an Almost Famous 2, but maybe someone can do a spin-off based on the further adventures of Penny Lane. Kate Hudson would have no problem slipping back into that iconic role. Plus we would all love to fall in love with her again.  

For more nude pics and videos of Kate Hudson, head over to Mr. Skin.

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