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The Day Charlotte McKinney Goes Topless Will Be a Great Day in History


Please Let "Charlotte McKinney Topless Day" Be Really Soon

The moon landing, the fall of the Berlin Wall, the introduction of the first generation iPhone—these are all incredibly historical moments that make people talk about where they where when it happened. Yes, true moments of history rattle the soul and make such an impact that you can never forget. There is a hope—I think we’ve all felt it—that we are inches away from such a wonderful, historical moment that we will talk about until the day we die. That moment—the day that Charlotte McKinney finally goes topless—will be such a glorious day.  

These few images, which are forever burned in my brain, are the closest that Charlotte McKinney has come to showing off her amazing breasts. To call her cleavage amazing is really the understatement of the century. I don’t know if there is really a word that can describe the cleavage of Charlotte McKinney. Now, I’m not trying to say that Charlotte McKinney doesn’t have a wonderful rear end. It’s pretty awesome, and it’s probably what is helping us go on without having seen her breasts. In fact, one could argue that Charlotte McKinney’s ass is more awesome than her cleavage. I won’t make that argument, but someone could.  

Years from now, I’ll be sitting on a porch in a rocking chair, drinking some ice cold lemonade and telling my great grandkids about all the historical moments I witnessed. Of course, seeing Charlotte McKinney topless will be the last story I tell.  

For more sexy pics and videos of Charlotte McKinney, head over to Mr. Skin.

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