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Sarah Hyland And Laura Samuels Share A Cleavage Filled Moment


Sarah Hyland And Laura Samuels Have A Lot In Common, Both Have Great Cleavage

There’s nothing quite like sharing a moment with one of your closest friends. It doesn’t even have to be a huge moment, but anything you can do to make your bond as friend stronger is worth doing. And while most of these moments are hidden away, thankfully Sarah Hyland and her bud Laura Samuels decided to snap a picture of a very touching and very cleavage filled bonding moment.  

I don’t even have any idea how Sarah Hyland and Laura Samuels became friends and I don’t much care to find out. Whatever led these two beautiful human beings together should remain a mystery to all of us. I would like to believe it was some kind of grand force of the universe that brought Sarah Hyland and her cleavage together with Laura Samuels and her cleavage together just to create this one perfect bikini cleavage filled moment. Honestly, if they never spoke to each other again, I would be okay with that because this moment is forever captured on film… or captured in ones and zeros. 

Though, I really doubt that Sarah and Laura are going to stop being friends anytime soon. I hope they continue to make their bonds of friendship with cleavage filled moments like this.  

Via Sarah Hyland on Instagram

For more sexy pics and videos of Sarah Hyland, head over to Mr. Skin.

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