Alyse Laurent is not just another pretty face; she’s an aspiring model with a body that’s begging to sell expensive lingerie and overpriced jeans. Thankfully, the curvy blonde isn’t waiting around for Victoria’s Secret or Escada to call and offer her a contract, and she’s out pounding the pavement, using her stunning looks and sex appeal to pay the bills.
Recently, Alyse ditched her clothes, headed for the quieter side of Los Angeles, and teamed up with photographer Ron Boyd and Yume magazine (link below) to tease some looks at her stunning body.
While Alyse positions herself in such a way to block the view of her good parts, we still get satisfactory looks at her cute butt and generous side boob. Though the final pictures are frustratingly beautiful, I have a feeling that Boyd’s outtakes are probably quite revealing and certainly less frustrating.
Via: Yume