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Kink.com’s First Annual Bond Con Kicks Off This Weekend


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Kink.com launched Bond Con last night, the first in what they hope will be an annual event. It's a part of San Francisco's Folsom Street Fair and, according to XBIZ (link below), "will feature workshops, tours of the Armory, parties, awards and the chance to join a Kink.com shoot as an extra."

“We wanted to open up the Armory to the public in a way that we’ve never really done before, at least not on this scale,” Kink.com’s Peter Acworth said. “We wanted to create an environment that would be welcoming both to the curious and experienced lifestylers. Folsom Street Fair and Leather Week are our high holidays, so we pulled out all the stops and are inviting every one in.”

At center of BondCon are the two dozen-plus workshops open to all levels of experience, ranging from beginner classes (“Spanking 101” and “Threesome Tips”) to lectures (“Coming Out Kinky” and “How to Become A Professional Dominant”) and expert-level bondage instructionals.  

As mentioned above, they're also offering tours of the Armory, the first time they've ever opened their doors to the public. 

To learn more about BondCon or purchase tickets, visit BondCon.com


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