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“Pretty Little Liars” Stars Show Their Pretty Little Behinds


Maybe I should start watching "Pretty Little Liars," especially if Troian Bellisario and Ashley Benson are in it, for they're in my new list of hottest babes. That happened just now, as I stumbled upon this shot of the two of them fully nude and running down the asphalt road. Stumbled, because my hard-on got between my legs and tripped me up. So, be careful out there. 

This is why I have to make sure I'm not running when I log onto the Drunken Stepfather (link below) site. It's happened more than once, you'd think I'd have learned, but I haven't. You see, I'm a bit of an exercise nut, it's the only way to keep my body from expanding beyond the capacity of my skin to contain it as I breach middle-age and my britches. 

So, I'm on a treadmill, a lot. And that's boring. A lot. That's why I have my laptop even though in this position I've obviously lost the lap. It's all semantics, any way. And if I'm on the computer while of course I'm trolling for skin, yet when I find it, and I inevitably do (I'm a professional, after all) well, that's when I lost it. But I have a short memory, long dick and endless capacity for abuse. 

Via Drunken Stepfather

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