We know Jonathan Leder, we admire his work, and as time goes on, we learn a little about the man behind the camera. First and foremost, the guy is great at photographing nudes. Secondly, although it doesn't come out often, the guy knows how to make a motorcycle look sexy--and no, it doesn't just involve putting a naked Neelia Moore on top of it.
Don't believe us? Look at this earlier gallery that clearly depicts Marlo Lavonne being irresponsibly gorgeous on top of a motorocycle. It's dangerous and we love it. The only thing that would make this photoshoot hotter is if there were a much older and fully clothed woman standing behind Neelia Moore warning her that she's going to break her neck and she should've bought something sensible and safe like a Geo.
· If you want to see the motorcycle action, check it out at Fashionising (fashionising.com)