For reasons we don't fully understand, the news media seems to have an ongoing fixation on trends within the pubic stylings of today's woman: are they full bushed? Freshly shorn? Somewhere in between? Though we're not quite sure why this rises to the level of actual news, we do know where you should go if you want the true scoop on what's fashionable for the ladies—and, fittingly, it's a source the trend "news" media is more than happy to rely on. Yes, folks, we're talking about the French, aka the Brooklyn hipsters of the global scene. If you want to know what's truly hip, you've got to ask a French person...and based on this accidental exposure on the part of French celebrity Alessandra Sublet, we feel pretty confident saying that a carefully trimmed pubic hair patch is the fashionable way to be.
· Via Taxi Driver Movie (