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We Got Your Steamy, Sweaty, Black And White Art Nudes Right Here


We Got Your Steamy, Sweaty, Black And White Art Nudes Right HereWe don't mean to be aggressive about it, we're just excited for the grayscale splendor that is Gregory Prescott's website. He has a ton of cool photos, many of which involve naked people doing great things to other naked people.

When's the last time a photograph has made you jerk your neck back and say "Damn!" to yourself? We ask because we did that about ten times looking through Prescott's website. If you're feeling what you see on the screen, you might want to grab his new book, "Erotic Interludes." We bet your coffee table is seriously lacking in books with neck-jerking potential, and we aim to remedy that.

· See more of Gregory Prescott's work at Photography for the SOUL (gregoryprescott.blogspot.com)
· Via Indie Nudes (indienudes.com)

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