Ava Devine and Ava Rose may share a first name, but that's just about the only thing these two porn starlets have in common--aside from, you know, the fact that they're both porn starlets. While Ms. Rose is a former contract girl for Adam and Eve and the star of such classy flicks as "Carolina Jones and the Broken Covenant;" Ms. Devine -- who entered the porn world at the (relatively) advanced age of 28 -- is a down and dirty free agent largely know for her willingness to do anything. And we do mean anything. So who will it be? Sleek and stylish Ava Rose or up-for-anything Ava Devine? It's in your hands now. Just don't let all the power go to your head.
Ava Devine
Ava Devine trying different dicks (pornhub.com)
Ava Rose
From "Carolina Jones and the Broken Covenant"
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