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Where The Girls Are


Welcome back to the Fleshbot Book Club-your chance to get a sneak peek at some of the hottest erotic literature out now. Today's selection comes from Cleis Press's Where the Girls Are, edited by D.L. King.

The following excerpt is from "Not in Kansas Anymore," by Cari Z.

The door opened behind her. Caitlin spun around to look, and was both relieved and unnerved to see her boss, still wearing her Marilyn outfit. "Relax, dear." She walked over and slid in between Caitlin and the desk, sitting back onto the mahogany. "Look at me." Caitlin pulled her eyes away from Devon's knees. Her boss's head was tilted sideways, and that small smile was on her face again, knowing and promising all at once. "You want me, Caitlin."

How should she respond to that? Devon was obviously expecting an answer, and Caitlin decided honesty was the best policy this time. "I do," she whispered, her throat gone dry.

"I know," Devon purred. "I could tell the first day I met you that you would fall in love with me. Do you know how I knew?"


Devon leaned forward. "I could smell it on you," she murmured into Caitlin's ear, "gushing from between your legs like a fountain. You want me right now, don't you?"

It wasn't a question, it was a statement. Devon knew Caitlin wanted her, and Caitlin was happy to agree now. "Yes, ma'am."

"Show me how eager you are," Devon ordered. "Slide the chair back and kneel in front of me." Caitlin obeyed, pushing the chair well out of the way and crawling back across the floor to Devon. She knelt, saliva gathering in her mouth at the thought of tasting another woman, a woman she wanted so badly.

"Lift up my skirt," Devon commanded. Caitlin did, slowly pushing the soft fabric up over Devon's thighs and to her waist. She had taken off the padded underwear and was now wearing only her tiny thong.

"Pull it down," her boss told her. Hands trembling, Caitlin slid her fingers under the edge of the lacy thong and slowly pulled it down her thighs. The sight of Devon's pussy was trans-fixing, and she was drawn inexorably toward the scent of it.

"Please," she begged. "Oh, please…"

"Please what?" Devon taunted her.

"Please let me taste you."

"Since you asked so nicely." Devon spread her legs apart, enough to create space for Caitlin's mouth. She leaned in, desperate but unsure, until a hum of encouragement from Devon took away the last of her hesitation. She pressed her lips against her boss's pussy, tasting the sweet nectar that flowed from her hairless slit and becoming instantly addicted. She pushed her tongue further inside, desperate to suck more juice from her body, but Devon's voice halted her incursion. "Bring your tongue to my clit, Caitlin, and use your fingers in my pussy."

She did as she was told, stroking two of her small fingers inside of Devon as she moved her tongue to her clit, gliding it in a circle around the swollen nub. Devon moaned with pleasure, and Caitlin felt a sharp surge of satisfaction that she could do something well for this beautiful woman. She pumped her fingers and licked her boss's clit tirelessly, drinking every drop of essence she could find until Devon pulled her up. They kissed, sharing her flavor from tongue to tongue, and Caitlin groaned with need.

"Mmm…switch places with me." Devon lifted her ass onto the desk. With a few sharp jerking motions she tore the front of Caitlin's pinafore and blouse open. Caitlin gasped in shock, but Devon quieted her with a chuckle. "I'll fix it later. I wanted to see more of you." She pulled the tattered fabric out of the way and deftly unfastened Caitlin's bra. Her breasts were larger than Devon's, soft and firm, and her nipples were achingly erect. Devon bent over and took one into her mouth, pinching the other with her hand, and Caitlin cried out, arching her head back sharply and almost throwing off her Dorothy wig. Devon suckled for a bit and then raised her face to Caitlin's for another kiss even as one of her hands crept beneath Caitlin's skirt, past her panties, and began to stroke her pussy. Caitlin came instantly, breathlessly, clutching Devon's shoulders and quivering with the force of her orgasm. Devon held her through it, not relaxing her stroking or letting Caitlin recover from the effects of it.

"What do you want?" Devon asked, breathing heavily as her fingers pistoned in and out of Caitlin's dripping vagina.

"I want you…"

"You want me to what?"

"I want you to…to fuck me, ma'am."

"To fuck you how?"

"Any way you want, please, just fuck me!"

"Any way, dear?"

"Oh, yes!"

"Then lay back on my desk and spread your legs." Caitlin obeyed immediately. She watched Devon walk around the desk and open a bottom drawer. She pulled out a harness with a dark red dildo strapped to the front of it and put it on.

Excerpted from Where the Girls Are an anthology edited by D.L King and published by Cleis Press.

The book is also on sale at Amazon.

Copyright (c) 2009 by Cleis Press.

If you're an author or a book publicist and you want to participate in the Fleshbot Book Club, send email to Lux Alptraum.

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