We often get asked if porn is "recession proof"—or, more specifically, if people will still be jacking it long after their unemployment checks run out (and paying for the privilege to do so).
We don't think there's an easy answer. Obviously, sexual urges will trump any financial hardship. But whether people will continue to shell out their ever dwindling dollars, especially in an environment glutted with free and easy access to pirated porn—well, that remains to be seen.
Despite our hesitation, however, there's someone who seems fairly certain that the adult industry (or at least one adult publication) is completely indestructible: Jossip has legendary big boobie rag Juggs on their list of "indestructible" magazines. What makes Juggs so rock solid?
"How do porno magazines still exist," you ask, "with such a proliferation of free pornography on the Internet?" Wake up, snob: The great majority of people in the world don't own computers, and even some people who do own computers don't have Internet access. What everyone in the world does have is a desire to reach orgasm. So while you sit in front of the computer, trying to stay aroused while battling relentless pop-ups, Joe Sixpack is going to the bodega, picking up Juggs and getting his rocks off the old-fashioned way. Also working in Juggs' favor is that, despite its tremendously cheap production, it can still fetch around eight to 10 dollars—less if you buy it in three-packs (not that we've price-checked it or anything).
And, we might add, none other than Kelly Madison is on the cover of the December 2008 issue. Indestructible, indeed.
· 5 Indestructible Magazines (jossip.com)
· Thumbnail star: Indestructible Kelly Madison (kellyfind.com)