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“Brief Encounters” With Beautiful Young Lesbians


Our new best friends Lesbian Provocateur came around this week to drop a sizzling new Sapphic tale featuring thirteen beautiful young horny women—and throwing in everything (including the good silverware_.

Their names seem anonymous enough, like runaways or aspiring pop stars—or sexy lesbian runaways turning mind blowing lesbian street tricks while aspiring to be pop stars. Amira, Orina, Sasha, Alisa, Felicity, Wendy, Murka, Tasha, Marley, Lauren, Reagan, Ivanka, and Aaralyn all hide behind casual, non-threatening first names, embracing the wasteland of disposable culture that they were spawned into, owning it, transforming it into a sexy lesbian paradise beyond anything we ever imagined was possible.

When we daydream about young European girls and their casual sexual ways, we imagine them doing exactly these kinds of things with each other, licking and kissing and stuffing kitchen utensils up into each other. These girls love licking snatch, live to lap up perfectly puckered asshole like a sexy little fuckable kitten lapping up a saucer of cream, and can't go a single day without getting opened up while their gorgeous firm titties smashed up against the firm breasts of another insatiable rug muncher.

The scene between Felicity (the one who looks like a young, Euro Megan Fox) and her lovely friend Sasha caught our attention, with Sasha feeding about a foot and a half of a pink, jelly dildo up into the beautiful crack of Felicity's sweet, bubble ass. Trust us, you will know it when you see it. We can't get the image of her reaching the end and the long, mesmerizing moan that escapes Felicity's cherry red lips.

"Brief Encounters" releases next week from New Sensations and Lesbian Provocateur, but you can check out a sample of the magic below. A word of caution though—once you see these images you won't be able to get them out of your head for days. Don't say we didn't warn you!

Ivanka and Aaralyn
Buy "Brief Encounters" (gamelink.com)
New Sensations (newsensations.com)
Ivanka and Aaralyn
Buy "Brief Encounters" (gamelink.com)
New Sensations (newsensations.com)
Ivanka and Aaralyn
Buy "Brief Encounters" (gamelink.com)
New Sensations (newsensations.com)
Ivanka and Aaralyn
Buy "Brief Encounters" (gamelink.com)
New Sensations (newsensations.com)
Amira and Orina
Buy "Brief Encounters" (gamelink.com)
New Sensations (newsensations.com)
Buy "Brief Encounters" (gamelink.com)
New Sensations (newsensations.com)
Buy "Brief Encounters" (gamelink.com)
New Sensations (newsensations.com)
Buy "Brief Encounters" (gamelink.com)
New Sensations (newsensations.com)
Buy "Brief Encounters" (gamelink.com)
New Sensations (newsensations.com)
Buy "Brief Encounters" (gamelink.com)
New Sensations (newsensations.com)
Buy "Brief Encounters" (gamelink.com)
New Sensations (newsensations.com)
Buy "Brief Encounters" (gamelink.com)
New Sensations (newsensations.com)
Buy "Brief Encounters" (gamelink.com)
New Sensations (newsensations.com)
Buy "Brief Encounters" (gamelink.com)
New Sensations (newsensations.com)
Buy "Brief Encounters" (gamelink.com)
New Sensations (newsensations.com)
Buy "Brief Encounters" (gamelink.com)
New Sensations (newsensations.com)
Buy "Brief Encounters" (gamelink.com)
New Sensations (newsensations.com)

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