Straight women and other penis fans will be pleased to know that British ladymag Filament won its battle to print the first ever erection pictorial in a UK women's magazine—and doubly pleased to know we got to review a copy.
Despite all the hubbub about erect penises and such, Filament is not your standard smut rag. Rather than being packed to the gills with naughty pictorials (and a few "articles" to balance things out), Filament is more a thought-provoking read with a few hot picture spreads nestled in between. Covering topics ranging from capoeira and the science of cerebral palsy to pegging and erotica covers, Filament feels a bit like a glossier version of Bitch plus some penises—or maybe a more broad-based Nerve magazine with way more pictures of naked men. Whatever you want to call it, we like it (and we'll like it even more if they make the erections more plentiful!).
Model: Marcus Thomas
Photo by David Davis
Filament Magazine (
Model: Marcus Thomas
Photo by David Davis
Filament Magazine (
Photo by Britt Marie Trensmar
Filament Magazine (
Photo by Britt Marie Trensmar
Filament Magazine (
Model: Emmy Jackson
Photo by Lex Machina
Filament Magazine (