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Fleshbot Birthday Babes(TM): Alexis Texas


Fleshbot Birthday Babes(TM): Alexis TexasWe tried to find an event that happened on this date in Lone Star State history that would be funny to pair with Alexis Texas' birthday, which is today, but nothing presented itself.

Fleshbot Birthday Babes(TM): Alexis TexasOn January 28, 1754, Horace Walpole coined the term serendipity, which means finding something you're not looking for but which you nonetheless need. Whenever you go looking for Alexis Texas, though, you get exactly what you were looking for.

Fleshbot Birthday Babes(TM): Alexis Texas

Also, the first locomotive ran from the Atlantic to the Pacific on the Panama Railway on this day in 1855. But its caboose was nowhere near as impressive.

Bio data courtesy of the Internet Adult Film Database

· Internet Adult Film Database (www.iafd.com)
· Alexis Texas at IAFD.com (iafd.com)
· Buy Alexis Texas' movies (gamelink.com)

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