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Kate Moss’s Topless Voyage


Kate Moss's Topless VoyageWe all know that Kate Moss likes to be topless—but did you also know that she enjoys hanging out with other topless women? On boats? It's totally true!

Just yesterday, the supermodel was spotted cruising around the French Riviera with a topless entourage in tow. Oh, to be a world famous supermodel...we can just imagine the hot and sexy entourage that we'd wrangle for ourselves (think Kate would be a part of it?).

· Via The Sun (thesun.co.uk)
Kate Moss's Topless VoyagePhoto via The Sun (thesun.co.uk)
Kate Moss's Topless VoyagePhoto via The Sun (thesun.co.uk)
Kate Moss's Topless VoyagePhoto via The Daily Mail (dailymail.co.uk)
Kate Moss's Topless VoyagePhoto via The Daily Mail (dailymail.co.uk)

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