If you're like us, you're completely gobsmacked by Ellen Stagg's photos, and would give your left arm for a free membership to her site. Luckily, all you have to do is answer a few simple questions!
From Stagg herself:
Win a free 3-day pass on StaggStreet.com, just by watching Ellen Stagg's IFC.com documentary series "The Stagg Party" and then answering the quick survey below. Serious answers only! Ellen Stagg is working on taking The Stagg Party to the next level, and is interested in getting some serious feedback. Please email Ellen your answers to all 5 questions to [email protected] to get your FREE 3 day membership of StaggStreet.com. (This offer only available for a week, expires 04-07-09)
1. How are the length of the episodes to "The Stagg Party"? Are they too short, long? How long would be good for you?
2. Who is your favorite model that is in the series? Did you see enough of her?
3. Is there a model in the series you never heard of before watching it?
4. Would you like to see me ask the models more questions about themselves? How they got in the business, how they picked their stage name, what is the craziest thing they have done in the business?
5. Is there anything missing that you would have liked to seen more of in "The Stagg Party" on IFC.com?
If only everything were this easy...
· The Stagg Party (ifc.com)
· Stagg Street (staggstreet.com)