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Lions And Tigers And Bears, Oh My!


Lions And Tigers And Bears, Oh My!Everyone knows that bears will steal picnic baskets, but you never know what kind of wild animals you're going to attract if you take your sweet-smelling, defenseless pussy to the woods.

"What harm could it do," you wonder, as you traipse naked through the forest looking for that secluded picnic table. In the cool breeze, with no one for miles around, you are free to fuck yourself to your heart's content with your favorite vibrator. Oh, too bad you've forgotten that your sticky sweetness will attract all manner of beasts. Like bees to honey? You wish it were just bees, lady. Here comes the biggest monster you've ever seen, literally drooling with hunger for your succulent exposed flesh. Too bad there will be no one around to hear you scream.

· Teresa from CL (xtube.com)

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