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Fleshbot Birthday BabesTM: Britney Stevens


Fleshbot Birthday BabesTM: Britney StevensI do dearly love the Stevens sisters, but I always have trouble remembering which one is which. Britney, who is one of the Stevens sisters, is having a birthday today.

I can recognize them both – they're really cute and you should definitely check them out – but I can't remember which one's Whitney and which one's Britney. It's like trying to remember who's Statler and who's Waldorf.

Fleshbot Birthday BabesTM: Britney Stevens

Britney, it turns out, is the older one, the one with more tattoos, the one with real breasts, the one with the adorable lateral lisp, the one who turns 24 today. There must be some kind of mnemonic I could devise to help me remember this.

Fleshbot Birthday BabesTM: Britney Stevens

It would be so embarrassing if I ended up shouting the wrong name.

Bio data courtesy of the Internet Adult Film Database

· Internet Adult Film Database (iafd.com)
· Britney Stevens at IAFD.com (iafd.com)
· Buy Britney Stevens's movies (gamelink.com)

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