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Shocking Sex Blog Roundup


We like to think of ourselves as beyond shockable, but those wacky sex-bloggers keep pushing the envelope. Read on for shocking tales of debauchery with AlwaysArousedGirl right after the jump.

Just when we think we've seen it all, someone comes up with an outlandish new way of doin' it. Whether it's semi-clothed sex, puppy play, hard nibbles or a hot rape fantasy, the bloggers in this week's round-up certainly know how to make us raise our eyebrows with a mixture of delight and admiration. Give 'em a hand, folks. Applaud their ingenuity. They deserve it.

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Mirror, mirror on the wall...

He pulled the dress over my head and took my shoes off. He then unhooked my bra and left me with just the hose. I had a run on my right calf that he probably wouldn't have noticed if I didn't point it out. He said it was sexy, but I said it made me look trashy. We left them on, regardless.

He took my hand and walked me to the mirror. He stood behind me, and kissed my neck softly while his right hand reached for my pussy and his eyes stared at the reflection of mine. My right hand reached behind his head and I kissed him. We stood there for several minutes. We love the way we look together. It looks like a picture taken out of a photography magazine. Or so we think.

My Irresistible Desire


High Octane Fucks

I stood astride her thighs, enjoying her laughter, it was like a welcome, cooling shower on a hot summer's day. Blue-white rivulets of joy trickled down my skin just listening to her.

Suze propped herself up on her elbows and letting her gaze slide down my body to my crotch. A hand shot up and grabbed the leather between my legs. "Lay down." She asked, so I did. Her hands quickly yanked my tight fitting leathers down to my knees. Suze leant forward and took my hard cock gently in her teeth through the cotton of my boxers. With skill derived from hours of practice she bit me to the point of pain and sent shudders through me.



tapping at her chamber door

The bed was just a few feet away; she lay facing the other direction, blankets pulled up under her chin. I approached the bed and leaned over her quiet form; my hand slid over her mouth as my weight settled fully against her.

Startled, she tried to turn towards me. I tightened my grip to keep her still.

"Don't make a sound." I used my free hand to draw out a blindfold from the pocket of my leather jacket, sliding it over her face. "Stay still," I let her turn her blind face up to meet mine, removed my hand, and then pressed the ball gag between her lips, snapping it close behind her head, "or I will hurt you."

Blood, Sex, Crimson



Sometimes I don't want to stop. Sometimes, in the middle of completely sane, rational conversations, I want to lunge at her and sink my teeth into her chest just to feel the heat of her skin and the arch of her back. I want something rough, because I know she'll fight back. I want to dig my fingers into her skin and have her pull my head back and bite my shoulder, writhing and twisting against me until neither of us is sure whether we want to break free or fuck. I want all the softness of her breast in the space where it meets her sternum to be encapsulated by my seeking lips, and when she moans I want it to sound like the scraping of lust from the sharp corners of her desire, forced out and guttural.

Natt Nightly


Good bitch

Suddenly, he tugs on my leash and we exit the kitchen. It's on to the living room, apparently. Once there, he leads me to the middle and takes up the leash with his hands, drawing me closer. Now he undoes his trousers and takes his cock and balls out of his pants. I moan when I see his semi-erect cock. This is what I have waited for all day… what I have needed.

Suck it, Bitch. Make your Master hard.

I don't need to be ordered twice. I fall upon his cock like a woman dying of thirst.

Thoughts on Naughtiness & Kink


Mouth Music

I'd happily hedge a bet you are rock solid by now, pulsing, wanting, needing more. How I wish you could see the satisfaction spread all over my face. I warned you long ago that I was a temptress, I told you my aim was to seduce you from the beginning. Perhaps you'll believe me as I up the ante and taunt you with the imagery of my own fantasy.

Let me set the scene: You sitting on the edge of the hotel bed, me nestled at your feet amongst the plush of the thick carpet, my naked reflection mirrored by the expanse of the suite windows in the half light behind me.

Naughty Secretary


· Thumbnail star (dpfucker.bigcockandbitch.com, via Ask Jolene)
· See also: Sugasm #156 (sugasm.com(
· Previously: Sex Blog Roundup Archive

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