If you became Porn-aware less than four years ago, you might not even know who Chloe Nichole is. And that would be a shame - save for the fact that she has reappeared at the business end of Tom Byron.
Chloe Nichole shortened her name to Chloe, but then another performer named Chloe died from an overdose. Since both Chloes had histories of drug abuse (the former Ms. Nichole is now sober), many people thought that the woman dubbed "The Linda Blair of Porn" for her full-throated, hoarse, eye-rolling appreciation of her partners was the same Chloe who died, especially since the Linda Blair-Chloe disappeared (for back surgery) around the same time as the less fortunate Chloe.
Of course, many people knew exactly where Chloe had been, but I bring this up because a post mentioning Chloe a month ago drew some e-mails concerned about whether her whereabouts were above or below ground.
In any case, Chloe returns for her first post-surgery boy/girl scene with the respectful Tom Byron in "Seasoned Players 9." Byron has been performing since the early 80's and has, in the past few years, enjoyed a renaissance of his own, so to his credit he makes the comeback girls feel comfortable and - I think - pretty.
And Chloe does not disappoint. She admits that she doesn't watch her scenes, so there isn't any porn-star posturing borne from hours spent honing her poses; she just throws her head back and yells.
And that is why these photos just don't do Chloe justice, because she's always writhing - you have to pin her down with whatever part of yourself that becomes available.
Welcome back, Chloe - to that same old place that you screamed about.
· Tom Byron (evolutiondist.com)
· Buy "Seasoned Players 9" (gamelink.com)
· Tom Byron (evolutiondist.com)
· Buy "Seasoned Players 9" (gamelink.com)
· Tom Byron (evolutiondist.com)
· Buy "Seasoned Players 9" (gamelink.com)
· Tom Byron (evolutiondist.com)
· Buy "Seasoned Players 9" (gamelink.com)
· Tom Byron (evolutiondist.com)
· Buy "Seasoned Players 9" (gamelink.com)
· Tom Byron (evolutiondist.com)
· Buy "Seasoned Players 9" (gamelink.com)
· Tom Byron (evolutiondist.com)
· Buy "Seasoned Players 9" (gamelink.com)
· Tom Byron (evolutiondist.com)
· Buy "Seasoned Players 9" (gamelink.com)
· Tom Byron (evolutiondist.com)
· Buy "Seasoned Players 9" (gamelink.com)
· Tom Byron (evolutiondist.com)
· Buy "Seasoned Players 9" (gamelink.com)