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“Wedding Bell Blues” Refutes Woman’s Right To Choice (But In A Sexy Way)


In Wicked's new "Wedding Bell Blues", the always delightful Kirsten Price plays a bride-to-be with a serious case of cold feet whose friends try to convince her why giving up a life of carefree sexual encounters with total strangers for the regimented monotony of married life is a Good Thing. But it's all done with a light touch: director Jonathan Morgan's customary sense of humor helps to leaven the film's soul-crushing message that patriarchal oppression always triumphs over a woman's right to control her own destiny. In fact, it all turns out to be quite hilarious!

Keener minds than ours may choose to watch the film with a more critical eye attunded to its potential antifeminist nuances. Then again, with Kristin's coevals Ann Marie Rios, Nicole Sheridan, and Samantha Sin rounding out the cast and sex this hot--not to mention the sight of Randy Spears in the most ridiculous looking fright wig we have ever seen--we're not entirely sure anyone will be paying much attention to the finer points of story line anyway.

"Wedding Bell Blues" (DVD info @ wickedpictures.com)

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