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Sneak Preview Of ‘Teachers’


From the people who brought you 'Babysitters,' 'Cheerleaders,' and 'Nurses' comes 'TEACHERS,' an amazingly hot and hysterical new dvd. The cast contains all our favorite Digital Playground stars, so this one looks like it'll be awesome.

Remember the "slambooks" you kept in high school? The trailer for this film kinda reads like one, but with way more fucking. Really, nothing we say can do justice to how cool this release looks. You'll have to watch the trailer for yourself.

p.s. Is it just us, or does Evan Stone always look like he's about to start laughing when he's not pounding the bejeezus out of one of someone's holes? Aw, he's so cool.

p.p.s. Can we have this dvd, like, now?

· Digital Playground (digitalplayground.com)

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