"Sex Pot" is a straight-to-video flick about two boys desperate to get laid—ones who just so happen to be armed with some killer weed that makes all the chicks horny. Is it good? No. Are there boobs? Many.
If you can ignore the lame attempts at humor and unfortunate pratfalls (and, uh, leading man Seth Cassell, who seems like a frontrunner for the position of "poor man's Jonah Hill"), you're ultimately left with a smorgasbord of softcore sexiness—one that's almost worth fastforwarding through everything else for.
On the chance that you're not quite convinced, though, we've pulled the, ahem, climax scene for you. Remember, kids: this is your brain on super horny sex weed.
· "Sex Pot" (imdb.com)
· Clip via The Naked Gift (more @ movienudescenes-thenakedgift.blogspot.com)