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Learn The Peaceful Philosophies Of Shauna Sand


Shauna Sand is comfortable with her body, speaks French with ease, and is coping with the shock of having her most intimate moments open to the public. As we learned in this interview, she embraces all challenges and difficulties.

As it is with all sex tape stars and starlets, it's important to remember that there's more to Shauna Sand than the scandal surrounding her personal porno. Between modeling, acting, and designing she somehow finds time to be a mother. Even when life gets messy (and, as you will read, it really does), she takes everything one step at a time. As you click through this phone interview with a gallery of sex tape stills, you'll discover that Shauna is a multi-faceted woman (you might even like her, we do).

· Shauna Sand Exposed (shaunssandexposed.com)

Fleshbot: What have you been up to recently? Any new projects in the works?
Shauna Sand: I was in Paris for a while. And I did a TV show there because I speak French. And I did a magazine cover. So that was really a lot of fun for me. And I'm going to start filming…a reality show for Germany called Red. And I'm appearing on Leave It To Lamas, which is on the E channel, and that should be airing this week or next week.

What first got you interested in nude modeling?
Well, you know, I've lived in Europe, and you go to the beach a lot without a top; I was always very comfortable with my body. When I was 19, my friend worked at Playboy out in Mexico and he offered me to do the cover… I was a student in France, and my mom said if I ever did that she would disown me, so, you know, I didn't do it, but I wanted to. And when I graduated from school in Paris, then I went back to San Diego to film Renegade, that's where I met Lorenzo [Lamas], my second husband, and I told him that I wanted to do Playboy…. He said, "Don't do Playboy Mexico," because he was friends with an editor of Playboy America, and that would be a better magazine for me to be in…. I sent them like a composite of what I looked like with makeup and a different variety of looks, and then what I look like at five in the morning, naked, with no makeup, crawling out of bed.… So they showed them to Hef, and he just went crazy and I shot right away, my centerfold, and I did a bunch of videos. And I worked with them for a while.

Image of Shauna Sand courtesy of Vivid (vivid.com)

Speaking of videos (poor segue, I apologize), you mentioned in an interview with TMZ that you had made several sex tapes with your boyfriend. Is it something you regularly do?
When I said videos I was referring to Playboy videos that I did...for Playboy TV. As far as um…other videos, like sex tapes, I do have a few. I locked them up in a safety deposit box because I don't want them getting out, but my third husband who's a complete psychopath has a few that he better not release or he's gonna have a big problem.

We'll definitely give him the word. How do you feel about porn in general? Do you watch any?
Not really. I don't. I've watched very little porn in my life. I think it's more of the perverted boyfriends and husbands that I've had that wanted to shoot me, you know? It's not really something that I do on a regular basis. Although, I like making them, I have a lot of fun.

Image of Shauna Sand courtesy of Vivid (vivid.com)

One of the most popular stills from your tape is of you, dripping with ice cream. I'm sure a lot of us are wondering: what's your favorite ice cream?
Haagen Daas, my favorite! It's melted. I ordered it and I went down to the bar to get some wine and I came back and it was melted. My boyfriend was tired and he wanted to go to sleep, so I had to wake him up. It was a big sticky mess though.

Image of Shauna Sand courtesy of Vivid (vivid.com)

Do you often combine food with sex?
It's not something I do on a regular basis, and I'll only do it if it's in a hotel because it's a big mess, gets all over the sheets; it's a disaster. I mean, I'll do anything, but it's not something I do on a regular basis. It was worth it but it's better if someone else cleans up the next day. I did do that once [before] with an ex-fiancée. We decided to order strawberries with whipped cream and a lot of chocolate, melted chocolate. It was the biggest mess you've ever seen, but it was in a hotel so it was ok. I highly recommend only doing that in a hotel. It was all over the towels, the bathroom, the walls; it was like… I don't think they were very happy with me after that. I think I've been banned from that hotel.

What, to you, makes someone "sexy?"
I've had a thing with French people. I've been married to two of them, and then this guy in the tape I've been with-he's not my boyfriend anymore-for six months. I think it's, like, accents-I only speak French to them so it doesn't really make sense. But I think that they just have something that's very sexy and charismatic about them. Italian people as well.

Image of Shauna Sand courtesy of Vivid (vivid.com)

These days, a lot of celebrities have been making sex tapes and releasing them to the public. When you were making this tape, did you ever imagine that other people would be seeing these private moments?
No. Absolutely not. And when I found that it had been stolen and stuff I really went into shock. I was pretty upset for a week. But then I realized that I should accept it and see it as something positive because it is a beautiful tape. I made it with somebody I really loved and we were having probably one of the best times that I had in my life. So I thought I would take control of the movie. I did the editing, I put the music in, I chose the scenes that I thought were the sexiest-I mean, there's still some stuff that was raunchier, but I thought that we were having a lot of fun and really enjoying each other. I had to subtitle it as well because the majority of it is in French, so I sat there for like 40 hours subtitling it. I was in the editing room for four days, ten hours a day…. When I was done editing it I watched the whole thing in its entirety to make sure that it flowed and everything was perfect, and then I realized: everybody's going to be seeing this. And then I got really freaked out, and then I went to a bar and had a drink. But now I've accepted it.

Image of Shauna Sand courtesy of Vivid (vivid.com)

Do you plan on making more home videos?
I never know what I'm going to do in the future. I'm not planning on it, I wasn't planning on getting into the porn industry, but hey, who knows? You know?

If you had a personal motto, what would it be?
Stay positive in life, and enjoy every moment to the fullest.

Is there anything you'd like to plug/endorse?
Shauna Sand Exposed! That's it!

Image of Shauna Sand courtesy of Vivid (vivid.com)

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